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WiFi Manager

FreeVersion 4.3.0-230-nicolas
Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of WiFi Manager

App description:

WiFi Manager is a productivity application that lets users find, connect and manage wireless networks on the mobile device.


Provides a widget for the main screen, lets you change the network with a single touch, customize and configure the networks detected with different icons.

How to use:

The application will detect WiFi networks nearby and you can determine whether they are favorite or not, creating different icons for each.




For those who want to increase their mobile device's productivity.


Android Phones.


Android 1.6 or higher.


1.77 MB

Operating System:



Kostya Vasilyev is based in Russia - Developer trusted by Android Market.


The app content is moderate and child-friendly.


Paid upgrades within the app. Free0

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 1.77 MB of free memory space and Android 2.1 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about WiFi Manager

The designs of the application and widgets are attractive.
Emits notification sounds for available networks.
Accurately detects all available networks.
Lets you place widgets and a control connections shortcut on your device's main screen.
Functional and efficient.

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