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Lucky Patcher

FreeVersion 6.1.2
Trusted App

Main features of Lucky Patcher

App description:

Gain the ability to control and modify all the apps you have installed on your phone.


It shows a list with all your applications and games, allowing you to access information such as permissions, additional data or the option to uninstall them.


You can get to customize your apps to adjust their settings, with details such as being able to remove advertising or also view, edit or delete the permissions of the same if they seem abusive.

How to use:

In order to install Lucky Patcher you must enable the option to download and install software from unsecured sources, since you will not find it on Google Play.


English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Russian, Chinese and Japanese interface.


6.18 MB

Operating System:





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Do you like Lucky Patcher?

92 Votes / 90 Likes


There are a lot of customization options.
A free application.
Consumes little battery from the device.
Small footprint in memory.
The interface is neat and easy to master.


The installation process is a bit confusing.

Useful Tips

Is Lucky Patcher A Safe App To use?

Lucky patcher is safe app that would let you customize your Android. You can read more information about how lucky patcher works in the following tutorial  or watching this video.

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What is Lucky Patcher and what are its main functions?
As long as they are not given a use that encourages piracy or information theft, tools that give us additional control over
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