Scrap Mechanic Game apk icon

Scrap Mechanic Game

FreeVersion 1.1
Trusted Game


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Main features of Scrap Mechanic Game

Game Goal:

Looking for an exciting game where you must become a mechanic? Scrap Mechanic Game is a game for those looking to be creative in order to survive in a dangerous world that puts your imagination to the test.

How to Play:

Placed in an open world and left to survive on your own, your job is to use the resources at hand with your own creativity to ensure that you can fend off incoming robot attacks and gather what you need to keep going.

Game play:

The game provides you with an array of items to help you survive from equipment such as clothing, offensive items and construction tools. You can also create your own safe structures and vehicles.


The app interface supports English.



Operating System:





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Developer´s description

Do you like Scrap Mechanic Game?

2 Votes / 2 Likes


Exciting graphics and fluid animations.
The game boasts a wide number of items.
You can enjoy the game with your friends.
The game is simple to control and easy to enjoy.
The game doesn't display any ads.


The game tends to drain device battery when in use.
The app file size is large.

Useful Tips

If you're familiair with other popular survival games, this one will feel right at home.
A great way to get ahead in the early game is to start building a car as soon as possible!
There is an optional creative mode that allows you to design without needing items!
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