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FreeVersion 1.0.3
Trusted App

Main Features of Allcalidad

App description:

While there are hundreds of platforms offering free movies, the resolution of those videos is often pretty bad. Allcalidad filters out those movies and offers only the best in terms of HD quality.


The app offers access to films in 720p and 1080p that are organized by year and genre. All content is available in the original language and with subtitles. Includes titles from Amazon, Disney+, Hulu, and Netflix.

How to use:

The app works similar to Netflix. Just tap on something and all available options will appear. You can also stream the content to your TV using Chromecast or a similar tool.




An excellent alternative for users who cannot afford to pay for streaming platforms. 


16.2 MB

Operating System:




No payment is required to access all the upgrades. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 16.2 MB of free memory space and Android 4.4 or higher.

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POSITIVE about Allcalidad

All series and movies are in HD quality.
Includes many popular series and films.
In the Premieres section you'll find the most-talked-about films.

NEGATIVE about Allcalidad

Contains ads.

Useful Tips Allcalidad

Incluses a selection of 4K films that you can download for free.