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Camera FV-5

Trusted App

Screenshots of Camera FV-5

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Main Features of Camera FV-5

App description:

Sets all camera parameters on your mobile phone to enable it to work like a pro, taking high-quality photos.


Shows real-time elements such as exposure or aperture. Include a time-lapse to enable you to create time-lapse photos, as well as taking high-exposure photos at night.


You can configure physical smartphone keys to assign different functions to each, finally being able to save the photos you take in different formats such as JPEG, RAW or PNG.


English, Spanish, Russian, French, Portuguese, Italian, Finnish, Belarusian and many more.


Perfect for photography enthusiasts who want more pro features on their smartphone.


Android smartphones and tablets.


Android 2.2 or higher.


Varies with device

Operating System:



FlavioNet is based in Spain - Developer recommended by Google Play.


An ideal app to enjoy with the whole family.

Price details:

US$ 3.950

Installation requirements:

The minimum memory space and Android OS required 0.


The TOP 10 Most popular Apps in Full Resolution category.

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Developer´s description

Do you like Camera FV-5?

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POSITIVE about Camera FV-5

Has a professional display similar to that of DSLR cameras.
Many configuration options.
It gives you complete control over your photos.

NEGATIVE about Camera FV-5

Missing the use of front-facing camera.
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