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ROM Toolbox Pro

Trusted App

Main Features of ROM Toolbox Pro

App description:

ROM Toolbox Pro is a management application with root control. You can easily control your apps, Internet access and the general configuration of your mobile device.


Controls apps viewing root folders, blocking ads or inappropriate contents and managing performance. You can also change the interface, install fonts, boot animations, change icons and install different themes.

How to use:

Very easy to use; after downloading it, just follow the instructions on screen.


Recommended to assist any person and manage their mobile phone easily and without headaches.


Works on smartphones and tablets.


Android 2.0 or higher.



Operating System:



JRummy Apps Inc. is based in United States


A paid app with an option to purchase further upgrades. US$ 5.99

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 11M of free memory space and Android 2.3 or higher.

Download options:

Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about ROM Toolbox Pro

All management options in one place.

Easy to use.

NEGATIVE about ROM Toolbox Pro

Has bugs on some devices.