Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) apk icon

Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow)

FreeVersion 3.1
Trusted App

Images and videos for Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow)

Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 1Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 2Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 3Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 4Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 5Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 6Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 7Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 8Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 9Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 10Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 11Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 12Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 13Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 14Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 15Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 16Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow) image 17

Main Features of Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow)

App description:

With the Android Dayframe app you can display an impressive slideshow of your favourite photos using Chromecast and connecting to photo sharing networks. Revive your old Android tablet capabilities.


Organise all of your photos in one place and have the ultimate digital photo frame providing a personalized slide show. Connect to social media photo sharing sites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.


Dayframe is designed to play automatically when you are not using your devise. It becomes the ultimate screen saver.

How to use:

You can customise the menu to use it on the left or right of your screen. Dayframe gives you control over the slideshow, it is an interactive app that you can swipe forwards and backwards, zoom, pause, shuffle and like photos. You can also choose to leave it play automatically if you prefer.


For people who love photos, also ideal for those who want to revive an old device by adding new functions.


Android device with Chromecast installed.


Requires Android 3.0 and higher 


12.45 MB

Operating System:




Due to variety of content, a degree of adult supervision is recommended.


In-app purchases available. Free0

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 12.45 MB of free memory space and Android 4.1 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow)

Well designed interface
Flexible features and tools that can be customized
Simple and cost effective way upgrade

NEGATIVE about Dayframe (Photos & Slideshow)

Some users report glitches that causes the app to crash

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