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World Cup Russia 2018

FreeVersion 2.9.5
Trusted App

Main Features of World Cup Russia 2018

App description:

Keep up to date with the Brazil World Cup 2014 with tables, news and up to date information taken directly from the official FIFA website.


Displays the table of games for groups and time and location of each, information about stadiums, quick and direct access to news and videos available on the official FIFA website.

How to use:

Using the menu on the screen the user can navigate between different information tabs. No official registration required, do so through social network accounts.




For those who want to avidly follow the World Cup Brazil 2014 


Android tablets and smartphones 


Requires Android 2.3 or up


2.86 MB

Operating System:



HSL Software is based in Brazil


No age restrictions.


Free app with no internal purchases. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 2.86 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

Do you like World Cup Russia 2018?

1 Vote / 1 Like

POSITIVE about World Cup Russia 2018

Provides information about the stadiums
Provides information about each countries team
Simple access to news and videos from the FIFA website
Simple but well organised interface

NEGATIVE about World Cup Russia 2018

Advertising shaped menu may confuse users
Includes lots of publicity and advertising

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