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Pool Mania

FreeVersion 2.0.0
Trusted Game

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Main features of Pool Mania

Game Goal:

Pool Mania is a billiard game with over 120 levels it has hours of game play, that can be played in various modes. 

How to Play:

Select the mode and table you want to play on. Use the touch screen to control the cue direction, angle and power.

Game Options:

Play on Arcade mode to progress through the 120 levels. Play on Challenge mode to get the highest score in a limited time. 


Drag the pool cue to move it across the table, touch the screen to change the angle, drag to alter power.

Content Classification:

The simple controls make this game suitable for any age. 


Android smartphones and tablets 


Requires Android 2.1 or higher 



Operating System:





Download options:


Developer´s description

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There are 120 levels to play in arcade mode
The game allows you to set up and shoot intricate shots
You are awarded extra stars for completing challenging shots


Slow moving balls tend to stick to each other

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