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Purus Cricket ODI Cup Live

FreeVersion 1.0
Trusted App

Main features of Purus Cricket ODI Cup Live

App description:

Even sports fans unfamiliar with the cricket world have the idea that the Indian and UK cricket leagues are the most prominent in the world. Accessing live stream to these matches was unavailable before but by using Purus Cricket ODI Cup Live app, you can watch & enjoy these matches easily.


You will find a simple menu list with schedules of all cricket matches and competitions being held. Upon clicking on one of the links, you will be redirected to the live broadcast of cricket matches in great sound and visual quality. 

How to use:

Purus Cricket ODI Cup Live has a very simple interface to use. You can click on a single link and wait for it start broadcasting a match. You can also cycle through alternative links to find the one with the best sound and visual quality. You can also try different links if one is broken.


This app has an English interface.


889.89 KB

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Get several alternative links for match broadcasting
Great visual quality. 
The app is consistently updated.
Huge number of matches & broadcasts. 


A stable internet connection/network is required
Some publicity.

Useful Tips

You can gain access to match and player statistics. You can also watch this simple tutorial of the app on how this feature works.
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