Tank ON 2 - Jeep Hunter apk icon

Tank ON 2 - Jeep Hunter

FreeVersion 1.22.19
Trusted Game

Main Features of Tank ON 2 - Jeep Hunter

Game Goal:

Destroy as many enemies as you can to earn extra coins and buy more powerful weapons.

How to Play:

The game features a helpful tutorial that explains how to master the controls. Then simply start shooting all the war tanks advancing towards the towers. Accumulated points are used to unlock more powerful weapons and strengthen the protection of the towers.


The game is inspired by classic war zone battles. The graphics are well done, with smooth animations and good visual effects.

Game play:

Immersive, fluid and addictive.


Simply control the gun above the rail, tapping the screen to move it, and shoot the tanks.




For Android smartphones and tablets.


67 MB

Operating System:



No age restrictions.


Some upgrades are paid. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 67 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Tank ON 2 - Jeep Hunter

Nice graphics.
It's a fun and addictive game.
It has a good level of difficulty.

NEGATIVE about Tank ON 2 - Jeep Hunter

Consumes too much energy.