Nougat UI for Android BETA apk icon

Nougat UI for Android BETA

FreeVersion 1.2
Trusted Theme

Screenshots of Nougat UI for Android BETA

Nougat UI for Android BETA image Nougat UI for Android BETA image 1Nougat UI for Android BETA image 2Nougat UI for Android BETA image 3Nougat UI for Android BETA image 4Nougat UI for Android BETA image 5Nougat UI for Android BETA image 6Nougat UI for Android BETA image 7

Main Features of Nougat UI for Android BETA

Main features:

We are currently working on the description for Nougat UI for Android BETA an Android Themes developed by assusdan that its related to , , . In the meantime, you can read the official description provided by assusdan here.


Android smartphones.


No specification

Operating System:




Does not include loud startling sounds.


A completely free app. Free

Installation requirements:

Android 4.0 and the minimum space isn't specified.

Download options:


Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Nougat UI for Android BETA

Gives a unique touch to your mobile.
A truly light application.
No advertising.
Easy to install.

NEGATIVE about Nougat UI for Android BETA

Presents errors on some devices.
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