Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout apk icon

Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout

FreeVersion 3.3.1
Trusted App

Screenshots of Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout

Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 1Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 2Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 3Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 4Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 5Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 6Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 7Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 8Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 9Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 10Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 11Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 12Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 13Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 14Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout image 15

Main Features of Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout

App description:

HIIT Interval Training TimerAD is a fitness app that lets you create intervals between sets of exercises and workouts from your mobile device.


You can create intervals (repetitions, rest, repeat), sound settings, vibration and apply color, import and export to the SD card. The workouts are downloaded from the Internet. You can share information and combine multiple workouts in one session.

How to use:

You must enter the time in predefined fields of the app: easy, round, rest, relax, round which correspond to intervals of exercise. The app automatically creates a record of each workout.




For people who exercise frequently.


Android Phones.


Android 1.6 or higher.


7.38 MB

Operating System:




Recommended for families.


Free app with no internal purchases. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 7.38 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout

Stimulates the best performance with prizes.
Several customization options for sounds, colors and vibration alerts.
It lets you export the information about your workouts to the SD card.
It lets you combine different types of workouts into one.
Download and increase your performance in your favorite sport.
Interface is in English.

NEGATIVE about Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout

Intuitive interface, requires some time to understand and explore all the features.
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