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Duolingo: language lessons

FreeVersion 5.160.7
Trusted App
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Main features of Duolingo: language lessons

App description:

Duolingo is a language teaching app that involves the student in a fun methodology with which language learning is light, pleasant and effective.


Through audio exercises, translation, sentence formation and image recognition-words, you gradually build a level in the selected language.


You can access your statistics and standings for further progress.

How to use:

To begin, you must create an account. Then just start at the right level and continue training.


Available in several languages.


Suitable for children, youth and adults who want to learn a new language.


Smartphones and tablets with Android system.


Android version 2.2 or higher.


80 MB

Operating System:





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Developer´s description

Do you like Duolingo: language lessons?

10 Votes / 10 Likes


Colorful and nice interface.
Course organized in well-defined levels.
Various types of exercises.
Stimulates curiosity and the desire to learn.


Locks when inserting translations using the keyboard.
It has some errors with respect to concordance and word translation.

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