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Bam fu

FreeVersion 1.0.4
Trusted Game

Main Features of Bam fu

Game Goal:

In Bam fu, each player defends his color, and you should convert as many stones as you can to your own color to win each round.

How to play:

The stones revolve around the player colors when touched. Convert as many of the stones as you can to your own color and win the round. Win five rounds and your victory is sealed.

Game Options:

Bam fu is a game for two, three or four people on a single device.


The graphics are in the form of drawings and have an old look.

Game play:

Physical contact is inevitable and you must organize your space to ensure the stones.

Useful Tips:

Cut your nails and wash your hands thoroughly.


42.79 MB

Operating System:




Great pastime and entertainment for the little ones.


Free app with paid internal upgrades. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 42.79 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3.3 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

Game available in other languages

Do you like Bam fu?

1 Vote / 0 Likes

POSITIVE about Bam fu

The gameplay reminds the old Twister game.
It's fun and competitive to play with friends.
Helps you develop the speed of thought.

NEGATIVE about Bam fu

It can damage the device if played aggressively.
Uses a large amount of disk space.