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PlantNet Plant Identification

FreeVersion 3.19.1
Trusted App
Previous Versions

Main Features of PlantNet Plant Identification

App description:

Find out the scientific name of a specific flower or plant just by taking a photo.


Identify over 20,000 species of plants and get detailed information and instructions about how to care for them. Filter by genus or family, study their locations on a world map, and view photos taken by other users.


Choose your favorite plants for quick access, view various taxonomic levels in image galleries, and write your own observations.

How to use:

Open the app and give it access rights to the device's location. Take a photo of a plant and add it to the database.


Easy-to-use touchscreen interface.  




The perfect app for avid plant hobbyists and horticultural industry professionals, regardless of age.


Google Play, iOS Store.


85 MB

Operating System:



The app content is moderate and child-friendly.


No in-app purchases. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 85 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3.3 or higher.

Download options:

Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about PlantNet Plant Identification

Huge plant database.
The perfect companion for nerds.
Well organized interface.
Allows you to record your own observations.

Useful Tips PlantNet Plant Identification

In order to correctly identify a plant the resolution and image quality must be high.