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Mucho Party

FreeVersion 1.5.1
Trusted Game

Main Features of Mucho Party

Game Goal:

It allows you to challenge your friends and family in a series of fun multiplayer mini-games which will test your speed and skill.

How to Play:

First, you must create an avatar for the players with a selfie, then the application will measure your abilities to balance the game and finally play on a split screen with a player at each end.

Game play:

The full version has a total of 42 games adjusting the difficulty to players level. Plus, the League mode allows up to eight players at once.

Game play:

There are 6 game modes to choose from such as Mosaic (choose any game from those available), Random (fate will pick your game), Duel (Win five games against your opponent), TicTacToe (Get a row of three victories on grid), HotSeat (if you win you play again, other players challenge your status) and League mode (everybody plays against each other.


Interface in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese and Japanese.


Google Play, iOS Store.


55 MB

Operating System:




Does not include loud startling sounds.


Paid upgrades within the app. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 55 MB of free memory space and Android 2.3.3 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Mucho Party

Fast and entertaining matches.
The controls are simple and accurate.
Suitable for all ages.
Fun and great for playing with friends.

NEGATIVE about Mucho Party

Some items can only be obtained with in-app purchase.
The game is not compatible with all Android devices.