Call Recorder - Boldbeast apk icon

Call Recorder - Boldbeast

FreeVersion 14.9
Trusted App

Main Features of Call Recorder - Boldbeast

App description:

You can record any call you make or receive on your phone as well as record voice memos in order to have them stored in memory and play them anytime.


It is responsible for sorting and storing calls in a very practical way because the label with the number and contact name includes information such as the date, time, and duration of the call.


It is ideal for taking a thorough check of the calls you receive or perform, be them personal or professional, and it's also very safe since you need a password to access your recordings.

How to use:

First, you must make sure your device is compatible, then install the app and proceed to make a recording. You can also adjust elements like audio quality.


English interface.


Google Play.


7 MB

Operating System:



Recommended for families.


Includes paid features. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 7 MB of free memory space and Android 2.2 or higher.

Download options:


Developer´s description

App available in other languages

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POSITIVE about Call Recorder - Boldbeast

Takes up very little memory space.
Great sound quality.
The interface is simple and easy to navigate.
Free and paid content come separately.

NEGATIVE about Call Recorder - Boldbeast

It's not compatible with all Android devices.
You need to pay to access most features.

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