DragonSoul - Online RPG apk icon

DragonSoul - Online RPG

FreeVersion 2.22.0
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Main features of DragonSoul - Online RPG

Game Goal:

In an ancient era, legendary for the existence of great fighters, evil comes to trap and eliminate the warriors of good heart. You must fight to free the imprisoned heroes and defeat the evil enemy!

How to Play:

The player must use strategic tactics to gather a team of heroes and battle against evil dragons, enemies or other players around the world in online matches.


The game features complex design full of detailed characters and beautiful natural landscapes that provide an immersive visual experience.


There is no general background soundtrack to the game, but the sound effects mimic the sounds of blows and other movements during battles and exploits.


Menus and actions can be explored through simple taps on the screen.


Available in English.

Content Classification:

For players over the age of 10.


Android smartphones and tablets.


Runs on Android 4.0 or higher.


91 MB

Operating System:





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Developer´s description

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Quality graphics and effects.
Each character has different powers.
You can compete against other players online.


Bugs and lags were observed in some devices.
Some players may find the game too automated.

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