Raiders Quest RPG apk icon

Raiders Quest RPG

FreeVersion 1.8.12
Trusted Game

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Main features of Raiders Quest RPG

Game Goal:

Immerse yourself in a world of magic and fantasy where you have to lead a team of heroes to try and defeat The Void and his monstrous minions.

How to Play:

You have to gather and train your heroes to improve their skills and advance through levels in turn-based combat where you will find increasingly powerful bosses.

Game Options:

Not only does it have over 100 levels in the story mode, it also has a great online mode in which you'll have to test your strategy against users from all around the world.

Game play:

You can get over 50 different heroes, each with unique abilities to create a personalized strategy.




81 MB

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Developer´s description

Do you like Raiders Quest RPG?

2 Votes / 2 Likes


A perfect game to enjoy with friends.
There are a lot of heroes to choose from.
Visually appealing with well-crafted graphics.
Allows you to customize your own characters.


You must be connected to the internet to play.
Features some ads.