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Cortana for Android

Trusted App

Main Features of Cortana for Android

App description:

Microsoft's virtual assistant, Cortana, notifies you about important events, meetings, and other activities.


The app sends you alerts based on your location, calendar entry, email etc. Allows you to attach photos to notifications or generate alerts according to events created in Office 365, Outlook, etc.


The user has the option to sync Cortana between multiple devices, including PCs and tablets.


Touch the interface to configure and access different functions.




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Operating System:



Content suitable for all ages.


Free app with no further costs. Free

Installation requirements:

Android 4.4 and the minimum space isn't specified.

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POSITIVE about Cortana for Android

Offers synchronization between multiple devices.
It has an elegant and intuitive interface.
Sends notifications according to the user's location.

NEGATIVE about Cortana for Android

It is not compatible with all versions of Android.

Useful Tips Cortana for Android

Specify the search type by adding the file extension (doc, exe, etc.), location (OneDrive, Internet, Windows Store, etc.) or category (apps, folders, music, etc.).
To track the delivery of a package or check the status of a flight through Cortana simply enter the flight number or package tracking number in the search space.
Translate words and phrases to more than 50 languages ​​through Cortana's search system.
Identify different songs by simply asking the wizard the song's name.