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Night Owl Connect

Trusted App

Screenshots of Night Owl Connect

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Main Features of Night Owl Connect

App description:

Turn your Android device into a piece of surveillance equipment by connecting it to a camera. Receive live images and sound as you keep an eye on what's going on in your home while you're away.


The app is compatible with a large number of cameras which you'll need to connect to either a WiFi or 3G/4G network. If the camera allows it, you can hear sound as well. You can save the videos as MP4s.


The app has a wide variety of applications. For example, you can use it to remotely monitor your home or workplace.




You can also receive notifications in the event the surveillance cameras detect any kind of movement.


45 MB

Operating System:



Recommended for families.


Free app with no internal purchases. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 45 MB of free memory space and Android 4.3 or higher.


The TOP 10 Most popular Apps in Wireless Camera category.

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Do you like Night Owl Connect?

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POSITIVE about Night Owl Connect

Compatible with many cameras.
Good image quality.
Attractive, easy-to-use interface.
Doesn't take up a lot of memory.

NEGATIVE about Night Owl Connect

It takes time to set it up.
You'll need a good internet connection.
It has some bugs.

Useful Tips Night Owl Connect

Check out this video for more information about how it works.
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