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WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater

FreeVersion 1.0
Trusted App

Screenshots of WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater

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Main Features of WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater

App description:

Looking for an easy way to play hilarious pranks on your friends and have tons of fun? Check out WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater a funny and free to use app that constantly spams your contacts with custom messages of your design annoying them with funny jokes.


The app provides you with easy to use templates for WhatsApp messages that you can send to your contacts automatically and play hilarious pranks on your friends with by spamming their inboxes. You can even create your own bulk messages for specific contacts.


The app allows you to freely customize your messages before sending them such as tweaking your font and text style such as bold or italic. You can even send empty messages.

How to use:

Simply enter your friends phone number or contact name and enter a message to send. From there, you can freely customize the style of the message and how many times to send it. When ready, simply tap SEND.


The app features an easy to use interface with simple touch controls.


The app interface supports English.


The perfect app for WhatsApp users looking for a funny way to play pranks on their friends.


No specification

Operating System:




Content suitable for all ages.


No in-app purchases. Free

Installation requirements:

Android 4.3 and the minimum space isn't specified.


The TOP 5 Most downloaded applications in WhatsApp Messenger category.

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Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater

You can freely customize the style of messages generated.
You can send empty messages.
Useage is completely unlimited.

NEGATIVE about WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater

If reported your WhatsApp account may be penalised.

Useful Tips WhatsCrazy - Crazy Message Geneater

Be careful when spamming too much to avoid punishment by WhatsApp.
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