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Evoland 2

Trusted Game

Images and videos for Evoland 2

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Main Features of Evoland 2

Game Goal:

Evoland 2 is the sequel to an RPG that allows the player to venture into different eras and change the history of the video game world.

How to Play:

The user must complete various missions inspired by the evolution of the video game. More than 20 hours of gameplay.  


The graphics are colorful and well-detailed. They get even more elaborate as the player advances through the levels.


The game is controlled via touch commands. However, the small buttons can make some actions difficult.





Operating System:




Ideal for children under the age of 3.


A completely free app. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 493M of free memory space and Android 4.4 or higher.

Download options:

Developer´s description

Do you like Evoland 2?

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POSITIVE about Evoland 2

An interesting and original game.
The scenarios change over the course of the game.
Many missions and challenges.

NEGATIVE about Evoland 2

The controls could be improved.

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