Magic: ManaStrike apk icon

Magic: ManaStrike

FreeVersion 1.8.0
Trusted Game

Main Features of Magic: ManaStrike

Game Goal:

Enter the Magic universe and control powerful "planewalkers" in which you must defeat your rivals in real-time fighting using your troops and magical spells strategically.

How to Play:

It has a system of cards in which each character has a series of skills that must be understood to know how to use them on the battlefield to achieve victory.

Game play:

You will be able to get hundreds of different cards with troops, monsters or spells, but above all it stands out for being optimized to play online against other users around the world.


Interface in English, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Portuguese.


116 MB

Operating System:




May feature mild use of bad language.


Free app with no further costs. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 116 MB of free memory space and Android 4.1 or higher.

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Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Magic: ManaStrike

You can play against users from all over the world.
Lots of characters and improvements.
Simple controls to learn.
Colorful graphics, careful designs and fluid animations.

NEGATIVE about Magic: ManaStrike

Certain items can only get obtained by paying
It occupies enough memory space.

Useful Tips Magic: ManaStrike

You must concentrate on the colors of your characters as they represent different skills, being able to watch this video with a gameplay in English to know how it works.