Evernote - stay organized. icon

Evernote - stay organized.

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Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 1Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 2Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 3Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 4Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 5Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 6Evernote - stay organized. screenshot apk 7

Main features of Evernote - stay organized.

App description:

With Evernote it is impossible to forget or lose notes or photos. The application helps the user to organize the relevant notes and synchronise their mobile phone or tablet with the files stored on other devices.


It lets you create notes, lists and photos and it also allows you to record audio and save, synchronize and share files. Evernote also provides quick access to notes, notes and block labels, send notes by email, manage to control travel itineraries, tickets and passports and search text within images.

How to use:

The main advantage of Evernote is that users are able to access all of their files, photos and notes anytime, anywhere. The app is also excellent for creating shopping lists and tasks and take notes in meetings and classroom.


The interface is fast, simple and organized. To move from house to Notepad, simply drag the screen and do the same to return to the previous page.




For all age groups.


Android phones and tablets.


Android 1.6 or higher.


244 MB

Operating System:




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Automatically syncs notes across all devices.
Facilitates the organization of notes and photos.
Smart Search.
Allows users to add and edit tags.
Arrive on time with this notes organizer


Little space to store data.

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