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FreeVersion 4.1
Trusted App

Main Features of RepelisPlus

App description:

Watch popular films (both classics and newer blockbusters) and TV series on your Android device. You don't need to download files. 100% free.


Includes two playback modes: download to memory or streaming. Create lists of recommendations and then share them with friends.

How to use:

Create a free account and then tap a movie, series, or documentary. The menu is well-organized and the content is arranged via genre: comedy, drama, mystery, action, anime, and manga.




While you can download the content to your smartphone's memory, the files are very large, especially when they're HD movies.


1.68 MB

Operating System:




Free app with no further costs. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 1.68 MB of free memory space and Android 4.0 or higher.

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POSITIVE about RepelisPlus

Includes subtitles and various video quality options.
The most popular content usually has dubbing in several languages.
You can catch up on popular series like Game of Thrones, Paper House, Stranger Things, Elite, Peaky Blinders, and films such as the Star Wars saga, The Avengers, Fast and Furious, etc.

NEGATIVE about RepelisPlus

Streaming requires a good internet connection.

Useful Tips RepelisPlus

If you can't see the content on your device, try installing the most recent version.