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Card Thief

FreeVersion 1.3.8
Trusted Game
Previous Versions

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Card Thief screenshot apk Card Thief screenshot apk 1Card Thief screenshot apk 2Card Thief screenshot apk 3Card Thief screenshot apk 4Card Thief screenshot apk 5Card Thief screenshot apk 6Card Thief screenshot apk 7Card Thief screenshot apk 8Card Thief screenshot apk 9Card Thief screenshot apk 10Card Thief screenshot apk 11Card Thief screenshot apk 12Card Thief screenshot apk 13Card Thief screenshot apk 14Card Thief screenshot apk 15

Main features of Card Thief

Game Goal:

Help a thief to escape the scnes of a crime by using letters on cards to reach the end. It's a unique take on Solitaire

How to Play:

You have to think about all of your movements to be able to complete the crimes and robberies without getting caught by the police. You also need to avoid obstacles, traps and enemies that will try to prevent you from succeeding. 

Game play:

There are four different crimes to perform successfully. Each game lasts a maximum of three minutes during which you'll get several special cards to help you. 




93 MB

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7 Votes / 7 Likes


Good quality graphics.
Good level of difficulty.
The gameplay is interesting and fluid.
Suitable for all ages.


Features some ads.