Block Puzzle: Star Finder icon

Block Puzzle: Star Finder

FreeVersion 24.0412.00
Trusted Game

Main Features of Block Puzzle: Star Finder

Game Goal:

In this elegant reason based challenge the goal is to fill the ranks with blocks of all different shapes and sizes to release the stars and boost the score.

How to Play:

Drag the pieces on the board in order to fill in the rows vertically or horizontally.


The board combines various colors with an elegant woody-tone look. The animations are unobtrusive and appeal especially to adult players.


Tap the part to select and drag it to the desired position on the board.




86 MB

Operating System:




Recommended for families.


Paid upgrades within the app. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 86 MB of free memory space and Android 4.1 or higher.

Download options:

Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about Block Puzzle: Star Finder

Beautiful and elegant look.
Stimulates reasoning.
Animated tutorial at the beginning of the game.

NEGATIVE about Block Puzzle: Star Finder

Lack of goals makes the game tiring.

Useful Tips Block Puzzle: Star Finder

Save power to rotate the pieces closer to the end of the move because the lack of space will make it increasingly difficult to fit the pieces together.