Health - Fitness for Android

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Best Nutrition Apps on Android for a Healthy Lifestyle
In today's fast-paced world, staying healthy can be a challenge. However, with the help of nutrition apps, it's now easier than
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Best AI Fitness Apps for Android that Will Revolutionize your Workouts
In today’s digital era, AI is increasingly being incorporated in almost all fields including fitness. Through AI-assisted
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Best Running Apps for Android you Should Download
Running is one of the most common forms of physical exercise that is practiced by many people across the globe. Every morning
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Best Pedometer Apps for Android to Count Daily Steps
Healthy living consists of various aspects including healthy eating and physical exercise among others.  Physical exercises
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Best Mental Health Apps for Android You Should Know
Mental health is a great concern to people across the globe. People are increasingly being diagnosed with mental illnesses
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Best Healthy Lifestyle Apps You Should Know
Lifestyle is simply defined as a way of living. The way you live your life determines the outcome of a lot of things including
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Best Weight Loss Apps to Reach Your Goals
People are every day trying to shed off some bodyweight for different reasons. Some just want fit and healthy bodies, some want
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Best Fitness Apps For At-Home Workouts
Working out is part of keeping healthy! Some people work out to maintain fitness, others work out to lose weight, while others
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Coronavirus Outbreak: Use these 5 Mental Health Apps to Cope With Coronavirus Stress
The coronavirus pandemic is causing a lot of uncertainties and disruption of normal routines all over the world. Most people
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5 Best at-home Fitness Apps to use during the Coronavirus Outbreak
To avoid being infected by the Coronavirus, one of the preventive directives given by the World Health Organization (WHO) is
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