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Pocket Mortys

FreeVersion 2.34.0
Trusted Game
Previous Versions

Main features of Pocket Mortys

Game Goal:

Help Rick to collect and train different Mortys for a face to face combats against other Mortys in this interesting multiverse!

How to Play:

You have to follow the story and participate in turn-based battles improving your Mortys as you go, in order to win and level up!


The designs of the characters in transitions and battles are identical to those of the television series.

Game play:

Throughout the multiverse, you will find more than 70 different Mortys and all kinds of objects and gadgets with which to cure them and improve their skills in combat.


English interface.


Google Play, iOS Store.


111 MB

Operating System:




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Developer´s description

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Takes up little memory space.
Graphics and sound effects are of very good quality.


You must know the series and Pokémon to catch all the jokes.
Takes up a lot of memory space.

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