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FreeVersion 3.3.8
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Screenshots of SleepTown

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Main Features of SleepTown

App description:

It is designed to help you with your insomnia problems or to establish healthier habits at bedtime in order to rest better.


It has dozens of different buildings with which you can build your city as you accumulate full nights of rest as well as creating good habits.


Set better sleeping goals by not touching the phone during the hours you need to be sleep in order to slowly build a city that will collapse if you touch the phone before your alarm.




66 MB

Operating System:



No age restrictions.


In-app purchases available. Free

Installation requirements:

A minimum of 66 MB of free memory space and Android 4.4 or higher.


The TOP 10 Most popular Apps in Insomnia category.


The TOP 5 Most downloaded applications in Insomnia category.

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Developer´s description

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POSITIVE about SleepTown

Ideal to fight insomnia.
Help you optimize your sleeping hours.
Attractive and easy to use interface.
Takes up little memory space.

NEGATIVE about SleepTown

The free version is somewhat limited.
Has some publicity.

Useful Tips SleepTown

It allows you to create a circle with friends and family to encourage you to achieve your goals, being able to watch this video with a review to know how it works.
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